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by Roderick Martinez

Roderick has a MFA in graphic design from The Rochester Institute of Technology, where he studied Under R. Roger Remington. He has worked as a corporate graphic designer and creative director / designer for agencies in New York, before starting his own visual communications firm in 1998. His designs have won regional, national, and international awards. He serves as the current program coordinator and tenured associate professor of communications design at Syracuse University. He has served as faculty advisor of the Syracuse University AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) student chapter. Roderick has been awarded several Chancellor’s Awards for Public Engagement and Scholarship. These awards recognize that his classes exemplify the highest ideal of sustained, quality engagement at Syracuse University. 

BOOK - The alphabet book for readers, writers and designers. This captivating document features a continuous chronology of our alphabet, tracing graphically its changes over time. Included are the written reflections from twenty-six accomplished poets about a single letter assigned to them by chance, for this purpose. We all share the same existing twenty-six characters. Abstract yet so simple. The connection between the writer with the forms that alphabetical characters make, is the visual language we share. Our ability to communicate and document thought is shaped from these very forms, and it reveals a new poetic stimulus to our notion of wondering. 

Beautiful visual translations, or character reenactments of poems set face to face creates a most unique and heretofore unseen correspondence between two art forms. Possibilities become infinite and Martinez’s vision along with that of twenty-six gracious poets, is both a sight to see and read!

Wondering the Alphabet serves to entertain, educate, excite and explain...


PRINTS - All prints in this collection are available as digital downloads compatible with Adobe Acrobat 5 and later. Original proportion is 8”x10” intended for printing on standard home or office printers. This standard size easily fits any store bought frame of your liking. If a larger print is desired the file can be printed at any proportion. Printing the file at 200% will result in a print that is 16”x20” - 300% will be 24”x30.” The print quality will remain the same at any scale. Larger prints may require using a printing vendor to achieve desired size or a custom frame to add your own personal touch.

Downloaded prints make excellent screen savers, as well as, imagery to be shared on social media. 

LESSONS - All lessons in this collection are available as digital downloads compatible with Adobe Acrobat 5 and later. Original proportion is 8”x10” intended for printing or projecting. Lessons are created for teachers and students to gain knowledge and insight on the origins and development of the Modern English Alphabet.


All downloaded prints and lessons are a copywright ©2017 of Roderick Martinez and are intended to be printed by the purchaser only. No part of the downloaded print may be used in any way to generate income for the purchaser or any other party the purchaser shares the file with. However sharing the electronic image for viewing only, - email, facebook, instagram, pinterest are permitted.