



A composition of familiar forms in an unpredictable pose. Seeing them out of context helps us appreciate their unique and sometimes beautiful forms. Created by Roderick Martinez to illustrate that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


PRINTS - All prints in this collection are available as digital downloads compatible with Adobe Acrobat 5 and later. Original proportion is 8”x10” intended for printing on standard home or office printers. This standard size easily fits any store bought frame of your liking. If a larger print is desired the file can be printed at any proportion. Printing the file at 200% will result in a print that is 16”x20” - 300% will be 24”x30.” The print quality will remain the same at any scale. Larger prints may require using a printing vendor to achieve desired size or a custom frame to add your own personal touch.

Downloaded prints make excellent screen savers, as well as, imagery to be shared on social media. 

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